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 10 Iodine Solution 5% (luqid ) 10 Milliliters / Йод 5% 10 мл. (жидкий ) купить в Aмерике онлайн
10 Iodine Solution 5% (luqid ) 10 Milliliters / Йод 5% 10 мл. (жидкий ) купить в Aмерике онлайн     
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  HOME \ For Medicine Cabinet \

Eng: 10 Iodine Solution 5% (luqid ) 10 Milliliters
Rus: Йод 5% 10 мл. (жидкий )
SKU: 411
Country: Ukraine
Manufacturer: Ukranian Medical Area

Our Price: $3.95

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13411-10 Iodine Solution 5% (luqid ) 10 Milliliters

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The solution has antiseptic properties and works as an stimulant and anti-attracking agent. The iodine takes part in synthesis of thyroid gland hormones and influences the thyroid gland's performance. The iodine intensifies the dissimilation and has effect on lipid and albumin. Use in cases of inflammatory skin and mucous membrane diseases, other skin diseases, pains and aches in muscles and nerves, and sclerosis.

Recommended dosage: Use the solution externally to treat wounds or for washing the surgical field and painful areas on skin and/or mucous membrane. For sclerosis take internally 1 to 12 drops with milk 1 or 2 times daily after meals for 30 days once or twice a year.

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Cocтaв: йoд - 5 г; йoдuд кaлuя - 2 г; вoдa/cnupm nopoвнy - дo 100 мл.

Oблaдaeт aнтиceптичecким, paздpaжaющим, oтвлeкaющим дeйcтвиeм.
Пoкaзaния: вocпaлитeльныe и дpyгиe зaбoлeвaния кoжи, cлизиcтыx oбoлoчeк, миoзит, нeвpaлгия.
Cпocoб пpимeнeния: нapyжнo в видe пpимoчeк.

Другие препараты Йода

13411-10 Iodine Solution 5% (luqid ) 10 Milliliters


Attention: All products and any information present on our site are for general use only and not meant to treat or cure any disease. Any informational statements about any products have not been evaluated by FDA, unless stated otherwise.

Attention: You should always consult a doctor before using any folk medicine herbs, oitments and tinctures.
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