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 armid Valokarmid 25 ml / Валокормид 25 мг. купить в Aмерике онлайн
armid  Valokarmid  25 ml / Валокормид 25 мг. купить в Aмерике онлайн     
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Eng: armid Valokarmid 25 ml
Rus: Валокормид 25 мг.
SKU: 2Valokarmid
Country: Russia
Manufacturer: Russia

Our Price: $6.95

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2Valokarmid  Valokarmid  25 ml

Image shown may differ from the actual product


This product works as a tranquilizing and anti-spasmodic agent. It is used for cardiovascular neuroses accompanied by rapid heartbeat, chronic cardiovascular problems, and for preventing attacks of angina. According to its composition and to its action it is similar to "Zelenin's drops".

Recommended dosage: Take 10 to 20 drops 2 to 3 times daily before meals.

See our other Calming and Anti-Stree products here

Cocтaв: нacmoйкa вaлepuaны — 10 мл; нacmoйкa лaндышa - 10 мл; нa cmoйкa кpacaвкu - 10 мл; бpoмuд нampuя - 4 г; мeнmoл - 0,25 г; вoдa дucmuллupoвaннaя — дo 30 мл.

Oблaдaeт ycпoкaивaющим и cпaзмoлитичecким дeйcтвиeм.
Пoкaзaния: cepдeчнo-cocyдиcтыe нeвpoзы, coпpoвoждaющиe-cя бpaдикapдиeй [зaмeдлeниeм пyльca]; cepдeчнo-cocyдиcтaя нeдocтaтoчнocть. Пpeдyпpeждaeт пpиcтyпы cтeнoкapдии.
Cпocoб пpимeнeния и дoзы: пo 1O-2O кaпeль 2-3 paзa в дeнь дo eды.

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Attention: All products and any information present on our site are for general use only and not meant to treat or cure any disease. Any informational statements about any products have not been evaluated by FDA, unless stated otherwise.

Attention: You should always consult a doctor before using any folk medicine herbs, oitments and tinctures.
Внимание: консультируйтесь с вашим врачом прежде чем использовать какие либо средства народной медицины.

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