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 Invigo Flex Glucosamine Sulfate (in tablets,60AM+60PM) 120 kaplet(Dona WynnPharm) / Инвиго Флекс Усиленный (Дона WynnPharm) ( Средство против Остеоартроза, артрита, в таблетках,60AM+60PM) 120 tb глюкозамина сульфат, купить в Aмерике онлайн
Invigo Flex  Glucosamine Sulfate (in tablets,60AM+60PM) 120 kaplet(Dona WynnPharm) / Инвиго Флекс Усиленный (Дона WynnPharm) ( Средство против Остеоартроза, артрита,  в таблетках,60AM+60PM) 120 tb глюкозамина сульфат, купить в Aмерике онлайн     
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Eng: Invigo Flex Glucosamine Sulfate (in tablets,60AM+60PM) 120 kaplet(Dona WynnPharm)
Rus: Инвиго Флекс Усиленный (Дона WynnPharm) ( Средство против Остеоартроза, артрита, в таблетках,60AM+60PM) 120 tb глюкозамина сульфат,
SKU: 00778
Country: Ireland
Manufacturer: Rotta

Our Price: $74.95

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00778 Invigo Flex  Glucosamine Sulfate (in tablets,60AM+60PM) 120 kaplet(Dona WynnPharm)

Image shown may differ from the actual product


Invigo Flex 60AM+60PM 120 kaplet(Dona WynnPharm)™ Glucosamine Sulfate.,is the original Crystalline Glucosamine Sulfate, which was first developed and marketed for human use by Rotta Research Laboratorium.

Crystalline Glucosamine Sulfate is the derivative of the naturally occurring amino-sugar Glucosamine and is a chemically well defined and pure substance. This compound has been thoroughly studied and shown effective to promote cartilage metabolism*, protect joint structure* and support joint mobility*. Although sold as a dietary supplement in the United States, Glucosamine Sulfate is subject to regulation as a drug throughout much of Europe.

How does it work?
Glucosamine Sulfate provides the joints with the building blocks that are needed to maintain joint function. Specifically, Glucosamine Sulfate stimulates the synthesis of proteoglycans and inhibits degradative processes in the cartilage. Articular cartilage is the substance that lines the joint surface and is responsible for the mechanical properties of joints. The articular cartilage serves two functions: 1) it supports the mechanical load due to the weight of the body and absorbs the shocks and stresses that are caused by body movement; and 2) it serves as a lubricant for the moving bones. The articular cartilage contains a network of collagen fibers and proteoglycans. The proteoglycan molecules are an integral component of the cartilage matrix because they fill in the spaces between the collage fibrils and give the cartilage its typical hardness, smoothness and ability to support the mechanical shocks and stresses of the joint.
With aging, there may be an incomplete and defective synthesis of proteoglycans and increased cartilage destruction. As the cartilage in the joint is damaged, joint stiffness, movement limitation and pain may occur.

What is the dosage of DONA™?
Clinical trials conducted on the Glucosamine Sulfate in DONA™ establish that 1500 mg, once-a-day, are needed to optimise the benefits of this compound. The once-a-day dosage offers a convenient, easy-to-remember regime. The content of one packet has to be dissolved in a glass of water before taking. Due to its mechanism of action, it may take 1-2 weeks, or possibly longer, before you will notice any effects. Optimal effects on joint mobility have been observed after 12 weeks of administration. Recent data indicate that continuous, daily administration of DONA™ for 3 years protects joint structure*.

Supplement Facts:
Sodium .............................150 mg
Glucosamine Sulfate ................1500 mg

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Физиологическая роль глюкозамина сульфата (ГС} Глюкозамин присутствует как физиологический компонент во всех тканях человеческого организма. ГС играет важную роль в биохимических процессах, происходящих в хряще. Экзогенный глюкозамин является предпочтительным субстратом для биосинтеза ГАГ. Кроме этого сульфаты подавляют активность ферментов, разрушающих хрящ. ГС препятствует повреждающему действию в суставах и воспалению хрящей. ГС является физиологическим аминомоносахаридом.ГС замедляет прогрессирование и/или останавливает течение дегенеративных процессов в суставах, что приводит к восстановлению функции суставов и исчезновению болевого синдрома.

Показания: Остеоартроз различной локализации (коленный, тазобедренный, лучезапястный и др. суставы); остеохондроз позвоночника; артрит, остеоартрит, спондилез, хондромаляция надколенника, плече-лопаточный периартрит, бурсит.

Способ применения и дозы: Содержимое 1 пакетика (саше) 1500 мг растворяют в 100 мл воды и принимают 1 раз в сутки за 20-30 минут до еды. Для получения стойкого эффекта рекомендовано принимать курсами от 6 до 12 недель. Курсы надо повторять с интервалом 1-2 мес.

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Attention: All products and any information present on our site are for general use only and not meant to treat or cure any disease. Any informational statements about any products have not been evaluated by FDA, unless stated otherwise.

Attention: You should always consult a doctor before using any folk medicine herbs, oitments and tinctures.
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