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 JSC Altayvitaminy products to buy online
JSC Altayvitaminy products to buy online     
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13401 GLASS POT FOR BACK TREATMENT  buy, review, comments, online
Банки Медицинские стеклянные 1 шт

price: $3.55
13403 Gauze  non sterile 15’ x 4”  buy, review, comments, online
   13403 Gauze non sterile 15’ x 4”  
Бинт Нестерильный 5m*10cm

price: $2.50
13405 STERILE COTTON GAUZE  St 15’ x 4”  buy, review, comments, online
   13405 STERILE COTTON GAUZE St 15’ x 4”  
Бинт Стерильный 5m*10cm

price: $3.50
13412 Capsicum  Plaster  10*15sm  buy, review, comments, online
   13412 Capsicum Plaster 10*15sm  
Пластырь Перцовый 10*15

price: $2.95
13415 Potassium Permanganate 3 Grams  buy, review, comments, online
   13415 Potassium Permanganate 3 Grams  
Марганцовка 3гр.

price: $7.75
1341520 Potassium Permanganate 10 Grams  buy, review, comments, online
   1341520 Potassium Permanganate 10 Grams  
Марганцовка 10 гр.

price: $16.95
13424 Tar Soap 140 gr.  buy, review, comments, online
   13424 Tar Soap 140 gr.  
Мыло Дегтярное 140 гр.

price: $4.50
25ap  Apizotron 20 Grams ( Bee Venom )  buy, review, comments, online
   25ap Apizotron 20 Grams ( Bee Venom )  
Мазь Апизартрон 20 гр ( Пчелиный Яд )

price: $25.95
25ic   Ichtiol Ointment 25 Grams  buy, review, comments, online
   25ic Ichtiol Ointment 25 Grams  
Мазь Ихтиоловая 25 гр.

price: $9.95
25str  Ointment with Sulfanilamide 25 Grams LO300  buy, review, comments, online
   25str Ointment with Sulfanilamide 25 Grams LO300  
Мазь Стрептоцитовая 25 гр

price: $12.95
25Teym Teymurov  Ointment (Paste 30 gr)  buy, review, comments, online
   25Teym Teymurov Ointment (Paste 30 gr)  
Мазь Паста Теймурова 30гр

price: $9.95
25ve  Venitan  Gel Forte 50 Grams  buy, review, comments, online
   25ve Venitan Gel Forte 50 Grams  
Венитан Гель Форте 50гр.

price: $17.95
25VEN    Venitan  Cream Gel 50 gr  buy, review, comments, online
   25VEN Venitan Cream Gel 50 gr  
Мазь Венитан Крем Гель 50 гр

price: $19.95
25vi Vishnevsky Ointment 30 Grams  buy, review, comments, online
   25vi Vishnevsky Ointment 30 Grams  
Мазь Вишневского 30гр. (Линимент)

price: $11.95
25vp Viprosal B Ointment 30 Grams  buy, review, comments, online
   25vp Viprosal B Ointment 30 Grams  
Мазь Випросал 30гр.

price: $24.95
25vp-50 Viprosal B Ointment 50 Grams  buy, review, comments, online
   25vp-50 Viprosal B Ointment 50 Grams  
Мазь Випросал 50гр.

price: $31.95
25z    Zink Ointment 25 Grams  buy, review, comments, online
   25z Zink Ointment 25 Grams  
Мазь Цинковая 25гр.

price: $9.95
2Brilliant Brilliant  Green Solution 1% (liqid) 25ml  buy, review, comments, online
   2Brilliant Brilliant Green Solution 1% (liqid) 25ml  
Раствор Бриллианта Зеленого 1% (жидкий ) 25мл

price: $8.95
2Eucalyptus Eucalyptus  Tincture 25 Milliliters  buy, review, comments, online
   2Eucalyptus Eucalyptus Tincture 25 Milliliters  
Настойка Эвкалипта 25 мл

price: $11.95
2Grudnoy Easy Breath 25ml  buy, review, comments, online
   2Grudnoy Easy Breath 25ml  

price: $6.95
2Kalendula  Marygold Infusion Tincture  25ml  buy, review, comments, online
   2Kalendula Marygold Infusion Tincture 25ml  
Настойка Календулы 25мл.

price: $8.95
2Lugol  Lugol Solution 25 Milliliters  buy, review, comments, online
   2Lugol Lugol Solution 25 Milliliters  
Раствор Люголя с Глицерином 25 мл.

price: $7.95
2Myta    Peppermint Tincture 25 Milliliters  buy, review, comments, online
   2Myta Peppermint Tincture 25 Milliliters  
Настойка Мяты Перечной 25 мл.

price: $5.95
2Propolis  Propolis Tincture (BEEHIVE RESIN)  25 Milliliters  buy, review, comments, online
   2Propolis Propolis Tincture (BEEHIVE RESIN) 25 Milliliters  
Настойка Прополиса 25 мл.

price: $8.95
2Pustyrnik Motherwort Tincture 25 Milliliters  buy, review, comments, online
   2Pustyrnik Motherwort Tincture 25 Milliliters  
Настойка Пустырника 25 мл.

price: $5.95
2Valerian Valerian  Tincture 25 Milliliters  buy, review, comments, online
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Настойка Валерианы 25 мл.

price: $5.95
2Zelenina Zelenina  Drops 25 Milliliters  buy, review, comments, online
   2Zelenina Zelenina Drops 25 Milliliters  
Капли Зеленина 25 мл

price: $6.95
408              Raw Mustard Patches 10 units.  buy, review, comments, online
   408 Raw Mustard Patches 10 units.  
Горчичники 10 шт.

price: $4.95
5E Eucalyptus Oil 25 Milliliter  buy, review, comments, online
   5E Eucalyptus Oil 25 Milliliter  
Масло Эвкалипта 25 мл

price: $14.95
5K Camphor  OIL  30 ml  buy, review, comments, online
   5K Camphor OIL 30 ml  
Масло Камфорное 30 мл.

price: $7.50
5OO Organic Sea-Buckthorn Oil 100 Milliliters (Altay)Specialist  buy, review, comments, online
   5OO Organic Sea-Buckthorn Oil 100 Milliliters (Altay)Specialist  
Масло Облепиховое Органик 100 мл. (Специалист)

price: $29.95
5TO PUMPKIN SEED OIL Organic  100 Milliliters  buy, review, comments, online
   5TO PUMPKIN SEED OIL Organic 100 Milliliters  
Масло из Семичек Тыквы Органик 100 мл

price: $29.95
8Tykvy Pumpkin Seeds 50 gr  buy, review, comments, online
   8Tykvy Pumpkin Seeds 50 gr  
Тыквы семена 50 гр

price: $7.95
A02 Allochol Herbal Supplement  50 tablets  buy, review, comments, online
   A02 Allochol Herbal Supplement 50 tablets  
Аллохол 50 шт.

price: $14.95
A4-50    Ascorbic Acid-Vitamin C 50 tablets(0.5)  buy, review, comments, online
   A4-50 Ascorbic Acid-Vitamin C 50 tablets(0.5)  
Аскорбиновая Кислота (Аскорбинка) в Крутках 50шт

price: $8.95
B8 Besalol  6 tablets  buy, review, comments, online
   B8 Besalol 6 tablets  
Бесалол 6 таб.

price: $12.95
N5  Novo-Passit 100 Milliliters  buy, review, comments, online
   N5 Novo-Passit 100 Milliliters  
Ново-Пассит 100 мл.

price: $29.95
O5 Omeprozol 30  kap 20 ml  buy, review, comments, online
   O5 Omeprozol 30 kap 20 ml  
Омепразол 30 капсул 20 мл

price: $29.95
U07T               Urolesan 25 Milliliters  buy, review, comments, online
   U07T Urolesan 25 Milliliters  
Уролесан 25 мл.

price: $28.95



Attention: All products and any information present on our site are for general use only and not meant to treat or cure any disease. Any informational statements about any products have not been evaluated by FDA, unless stated otherwise.

Attention: You should always consult a doctor before using any folk medicine herbs, oitments and tinctures.
Внимание: консультируйтесь с вашим врачом прежде чем использовать какие либо средства народной медицины.

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